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Kansas Wesleyan University

International Undergraduate Admissions Process

我们欢迎国际学生和学生运动员在十大赌博平台排行榜. 我们的学生包括来自世界各地多达26个国家的男女学生, including the United States.

Undergraduate Admissions Deadline:

Fall Semester: July 1st
Spring Semester: November 1st

你将被要求在学期开始前付清全部费用. 请联系商务办公室-(785)827-5541 -讨论当前的付款截止日期.

请注意,从美国高中毕业的国际申请人, 或在美国认可的学院/大学就读一年以上, are not required to submit proof of English proficiency. However, 所有申请人都必须提供经济支持证明, along with official transcripts from previous institutions attended.  Also, 十大赌博平台排行榜的录取是基于首次入学或转学生的常规录取标准,具体取决于申请人的身份分类.

为了被十大赌博平台排行榜本科录取, interested students must complete the following steps.

Step 2: Provide Proof of Financial Resources

Upon completion of your application, 您必须提供财务资源证明,证明您有能力支付您的大学费用. 此证明证明您有能力支付您的KWU费用,包括学费, fees, books and supplies, housing, travel, health insurance and emergency funds. 在此文件到达之前,KWU无法考虑您的申请. 证明可用资金转换成美元的银行信是可以接受的, 或提供入学前三个月的银行对账单.


所有外国高中/大学成绩单都必须由国际学生评估中心或世界教育服务中心(见下文)评估,以确定您是否达到了入学要求的新生入学或转学平均成绩. 成绩单评估必须在列出的国际招生入学期限截止日期之前提交给招生办公室.

*Please note, 新入学的新生申请者必须有平均成绩的基本评估, 转学申请者需要对每门课程进行评估. 

InCRED: International Credential Evaluations
1200 Grand Blvd., Suite 100
Kansas City, MO 64106
Phone: 1.816.595.8300 (ext.3)

This is required for NAIA eligibility process

World Education Services, Inc.
Bowling Green Station P.O. Box 5087
New York, NY 10274-5087
Phone: (212) 966-6311
Fax: (212) 739-6100

Educational Credential Evaluators, Inc.
P.O. Box 514070
Milwaukee, WI 53203-3470
Phone: (414) 289-3400
Fax: (414) 289-3411

Span Tran: The Evaluation Company
2400 Augusta Dr., Suite 451
Houston, TX 77057
Phone: (713) 266-8805
Fax: (713) 789.6022

Step 4: Proof of English Proficiency (FRESHMEN)

来自英语国家的国际申请人不需要提交以下证明, 但必须提交ACT和SAT成绩,详见本声明. 来自非英语国家的学生必须提交熟练程度证明.

所有申请人必须提供经济支持证明(见第二步)。, along with official transcripts from previous U.S. 参加的机构,在他们的录取文件可以被研究生录取审查之前.

Duolingo -至少95分是本科项目的常规录取要求, and a score of 110 is required for admission to the MBA program.

To provide proof of English proficiency:

  • Submit official TOEFL or IELTS scores if English is not the primary language in your country.
  • Meet the required TOEFL/IELTS scores for admissions listed below:
    • TOEFL Paper Based Score: 550
    • TOEFL Internet Based Score: 61
    • IELTS Score: 6

Note: TOEFL scores are only valid for 2 years from test date.

来自英语国家的国际申请者需要提供有效的ACT或SAT成绩, meeting the standards below.

  • 最低ACT综合分数为18分或SAT综合分数(基于证据的阅读和写作+数学):960分才能被录取.

For athletic eligibility, ACT/SAT考试成绩必须来自全国考试日期的官方考试中心.   Please visit American College Test website at:  or the Student Achievement Test site:, for more information regarding national testing dates. Also, 请务必访问NAIA网站,了解国际运动员资格要求:

Step 4B: Proof of English Proficiency (TRANSFERS)

来自非英语国家的国际学生从美国大学转学到我校.S.不需要提供第4A步所述的英语水平证明. However, 他们必须在成绩单上证明他们已经在美国大学成功完成了英语作文I和英语作文II.S.-based institution.

Duolingo -至少95分是本科项目的常规录取要求, and a score of 110 is required for admission to the M.B.A. program.

Step 5: Provide Copy of Passport

Provide a valid copy of your passport to the office of Admissions.

Next Steps for Accepted Students

Please note that you must 在进入以下步骤之前,请保持接受状态并支付不可退还的注册费.

  • You must complete all required health insurance forms and documents. This includes, if applicable (check your admissions counselor), registration for the Kansas Wesleyan Student Health Plan. Most international students are required to take this plan. This form will be emailed to you the summer before you begin classes. Other health insurance forms are located here.
  • Complete all required housing materials at the links below. 请注意,所有本科国际学生都必须住在校园里至少第一年.

Apply for new student resident hall housing

Student Life/Housing

  • KWU will issue you an I-20 upon receiving your enrollment fee. 如果你是一名新生,昆明市招生办会就这份文件与你联系. If you are a transfer student, 您将获得一份表格,您必须将表格交给指定的学校官员(在您当前的机构),以便以电子方式转移您的I-20.

International Graduate Admissions Process

Graduate Admissions Deadline

Fall Semester: July 1st
Spring Semester: November 1st

了解有关国际研究生招生过程的更多信息, please contact the office of admissions directly, or visit the MBA Admissions and Policy website by clicking here. Please note that if you are not a U.S. citizen, 入学时,你被视为国际学生, regardless of the location of your undergraduate education.

为了被十大赌博平台排行榜研究生录取, interested students must complete the following steps.

Step Two: Provide Proof of Financial Resources

Upon completion of your application, 您必须提供财务资源证明,证明您有能力支付您的大学费用. 此证明证明您有能力支付您的KWU费用,包括学费, fees, books and supplies, housing, travel, health insurance and emergency funds. 在此文件到达之前,KWU无法考虑您的申请. 证明可用资金转换成美元的银行信是可以接受的, 或提供入学前三个月的银行对账单.


所有外国大学成绩单必须由以下机构之一进行评估,以确定您是否符合入学要求的本科平均成绩. All U.S.美国的成绩单也必须寄来,本科总GPA至少为3分.0 on a 4.0 Scale is required for graduate admission.

*Please note, that a course by course evaluation is required.

InCRED: International Credential Evaluations
1200 Grand Blvd., Suite 100
Kansas City, MO 64106
Phone: 1.816.595.8300 (ext.3)

World Education Services, Inc.
Bowling Green Station P.O. Box 5087
New York, NY 10274-5087
Phone: (212) 966-6311
Fax: (212) 739-6100

Educational Credential Evaluators, Inc.
P.O. Box 514070
Milwaukee, WI 53203-3470
Phone: (414) 289-3400
Fax: (414) 289-3411

Span Tran: The Evaluation Company
2400 Augusta Dr., Suite 451
Houston, TX 77057
Phone: (713) 266-8805
Fax: (713) 789.6022

Step Four: Proof of English Proficiency

来自英语国家的国际申请人或已从认可的美国大学毕业的国际申请人.S. 学院/大学不需要提交英语水平证明. However, 所有申请人都必须提供经济支持证明, along with official transcripts from previous 参加的机构,在他们的录取文件可以被研究生录取审查之前.


  • Submit official TOEFL or IELTS scores if English is not the primary language in your country.
  • Meet the required TOEFL/IELTS scores for admissions listed below:
    • TOEFL Paper Based Score: 550
    • TOEFL Internet Based Score: 79
    • IELTS Score: 6.5

Note: TOEFL scores are only valid for 2 years from test date.

Duolingo -至少95分是本科项目的常规录取要求, and a score of 110 is required for admission to the M.B.A. program.

Step 5: Provide Copy of Passport

Provide a valid copy of your passport to the office of Admissions.

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